IT Support News, Tips And Advice

Latest News And Articles In IT

How to choose the right new hardware for your business

But when your hardware isn’t performing, you’ll hear it a lot. Complaints about PCs, your internet connection, even your network. Not only is it frustrating, but it’s costing you time, money, and productivity. Upgrading your hardware is the solution, but with so many...

It’s time to say goodbye to Windows 10

That means no more updates, not only for new tools and features, but for the security improvements that keep your data safe. If you’re still using Windows 10 in your business, it’s time to start planning. You have four options. Our latest video explains each one and...

July’s Technology Newsletter

Welcome to the July 2024 edition of our Technology Insider newsletter. If you’ve ever lost a laptop, you’ll understand the sheer panic that results. And it’s not just the cost of the device that’s alarming. It’s the amount of data stored on it too. Whether you left it...

July’s Tech Guide – Windows 10 end of life

Microsoft is stopping support. This means no new tools or features, and no more security updates. If you’re still using Windows 10 in your business, now’s the time to act so you avoid any last-minute panic… or putting your data at unnecessary risk. In our latest guide...

June’s Tech Newsletter

Welcome to the June 2024 edition of our Technology Insider newsletter. It’s a sad reality that at some point, your business is likely to be hit by a cyber attack. But if you have a plan for how you react to it, you’ll be able to minimise the damage – and cost – to...

Cyber attacks are more common than you think

What’s important is to think about all of this BEFORE you become victim to an attack (sadly, it’s likely to be a case of when and not if). By following a few simple steps you can be confident you’ll not only recover from an attack quickly, but you’ll minimise the...

June’s Monthly Guide

The worst time to decide how to deal with a cyber attack is when you’re right in the middle of one. Unfortunately, it’s something you’ll probably need to deal with eventually – small and medium sized businesses are a prime target for cyber criminals. It’s a good idea...

All it takes is one email

Why? Because a surprising 90% of cyber attacks begin with an email. And if you and your whole team are reliant on email every day, your chances of falling for a scam increase. Fortunately, there are lots of smart things you can do to reinforce your email security and...

April’s Tech video

Your business couldn’t function without its technology, right? And from time to time, things go wrong. If these are the only times you speak to your IT support provider, it’s very likely you’re wasting a lot of time and money. Plus creating yourself a ton of stress. ...

April’s Tech Newsletter

Welcome to the April 2024 edition of our Technology Insider newsletter. Cyber security training is crucial, but equally important is getting good habits to stick. When it comes to passwords, most of us fall back to what’s easy and convenient. And that’s bad news for...

April – Your monthly guide

What happens when your business suffers an IT issue? Whether it’s suspected malware, a data breach, or a computer that refuses to connect to anything, chances are it’s going to cause you and your team downtime. And if you only have a break/fix relationship with your...

March Tech Video

What would happen if your business data was stolen? Would it: Throw the company into chaos and put everything on the line? Or… Be an inconvenience that, fortunately, you’d already anticipated? What makes the difference between these two outcomes? Encryption. And if...

March Tech Newletter

Welcome to the March 2024 edition of our Technology Insider newsletter. You’re ready to bite the bullet and upgrade to Windows 11. After all, the new features and tools are too good to miss out on. But are you really ready? We tell you everything you need to consider,...

March Tech Guide

The data in your business is invaluable. Without it you wouldn’t have much of a business left, would you? So that data must be kept safe… and one of the best ways to do that is to encrypt it. That way, even if a cyber criminal gets their hands on it, your data is...

February’s Tech video

When you’re sailing along smoothly in business it really does feel like you’re living the dream. But what happens when things get a little choppy? Are you able to spot potential issues and stop them in their tracks? Or do you wait for the storm and then remember your...

February Newsletter

Welcome to the February 2024 edition of our Technology Insider newsletter. PING! In this month’s newsletter we look at notifications and how they could be a nuisance for your team… PING! We’ve got a three-step plan to help you tackle the notification dilemma, so...

Monthly Tech Guide

You’re the captain of your own ship. You have an excellent crew behind you. You’re prepared for anything! Or so you thought. Then one day, out of the blue, a massive digital kraken tentacled its way into your ship's systems, causing havoc. Your lookout was using the...

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IT support Security Reviews Office 365 How To Microsoft Refurbisher