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April’s Tech newsletter

Welcome to the April 2023 edition of our Technology Insider newsletter. Smartphones have taken over from laptops as most people’s preferred portable work tool. But that creates a new set of security risks to be aware of. We have the latest advice. What’s all the fuss...

Refresh April guide to Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)

Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) means you need at least two pieces of information to log in to a device or an app. Perhaps a password plus a fingerprint, and possibly an extra, single-use code sent to your phone.  Cyber criminals use increasingly sophisticated...

Tech video for Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)

Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) adds extra layers of security to your business. It means you need at least two pieces of information to log in to a device or an app. Perhaps a password plus a fingerprint, and possibly an extra, single-use code sent to your phone....

Learn to talk tech with our IT Jargon Buster

Does IT jargon feel like an alien language? We steer clear of tech talk as much as possible when we’re working with our clients. But next time you need help with an IT issue, it could save you a lot of time if you have a few words of lingo in your locker. That’s why...

Microsoft 365 price increase 2023

You may or may not be aware that Microsoft has recently revealed that they will be bringing into operation twice-yearly updates to their pricing to have them on a similar alignment to Microsoft Cloud products globally.  Why is Microsoft changing their pricing...

December’s Technology Insider

Hello and welcome to the December 2022 edition of our Technology Insider newsletter. We start this month discussing the Metaverse. Imagine a massive 3D virtual space which mimics aspects of the physical world. We can all meet there at the same time, perhaps using...

8 tech trends that you need to be ready for

But instead of looking at your forecasts for the next 12 months, we’d like you to think about what’s coming up over the next decade. Will you keep up? Will you choose the right tech? Here’s our guide to the 8 tech trends that your business needs to be ready for.

October’s Technology Insider Newsletter

Hello and welcome to the October 2022 edition of our Technology Insider newsletter. Do some of your team sign up for software to get a job done, and then abandon their accounts? Nothing wrong with that so long as they’ve followed password best practice, and your...

October guide to password managers

If you’re confused about password managers, you’re not alone. A password manager is software that generates safe passwords, remembers them, and autofills logins for you. That saves time. But means your business can quickly lock out staff when they leave. Some people...

Here’s why you need to automate more, now

Automation is AMAZING. It has nothing but benefits for your business, including removing boring repetitive tasks that your staff hate doing… increasing overall productivity… and job satisfaction. It can improve customer service too. If you haven’t embraced automation...

The business owner’s complete guide to phishing

Chances are you know about phishing. It’s where someone sends you a fake email pretending to be someone else. They’re hoping you’ll click a bad link or download a dangerous attachment. It’s one of the biggest kinds of cybercrime. But do you know what the red flags...


Now, Google intends to take things a step further if it feels the website is ‘abusive’ or ‘disruptive’. It’ll revoke a website’s permission to send notifications, and even block attempts to request permission. Even if you’ve accidentally allowed a malicious site to...

Is your business making these cyber security mistakes?

That’s for good reason. Last year, ransomware attacks alone affected 73% of UK businesses. And the cost of cyber-crime is estimated to hit $10.5 trillion by 2025, according to the ‘2022 Cybersecurity Almanac’. But we’re still seeing far too many businesses that aren’t...

Tech update video

There are three common cyber security mistakes made by businesses like yours. And each one can make it easier for cyber criminals to break into your network and steal your data. Here’s what they are and how to protect yourself.

Most ransomware victims would pay up if attacked again

In case you didn’t know, a ransomware attack is where cyber criminals infiltrate your network (or device) and steal your data by encrypting it. The data is still there, but you can’t access it. Then they demand you pay a large ransom fee for the encryption key. If you...

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